Welcome to the homepage of the famous Dutch Monumental Artist

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since the beginning of May 1996.

On the 3rd of Mai 1996 he will become 65 years old.
Please send him your best wishes as soon as possible!
You can contact him via: E-Mail or the Guestbook.

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Thanx to:

Bas van Gaalen:For using a part of his HTML sources.
Wiebe Weikamp:For his guestbook c source. It helped me on the road.
Josh Poley:For his guestbook c++ source. It helped me on the road.
Ted Felen:For being my dad and making beautiful Art work.
José van den Heuvel (my mother):For being my mother and giving birth to me.
The Web-Counter Creation page:For providing this page with a counter, you can get a free counter at www.digits.com
My Family and anyone else.
Author:Pepijn D. Felen © 1996-2003